Wellness Activities for Hard Times

There is a lot going on in the world today. Please be careful and stay safe!

I hope we can all take some time to evaluate how we’re doing today and maybe practice some activities that make us feel healthy both physically and emotionally.

And if you don’t have time and you’re overwhelmed with other things- that’s okay too! Take care of yourself as best you can. Hang in there <3

Wellness Activities


Take a moment to check where you’re at with your physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health. (Use the handy guide in this post as needed!) This reflection can show us how we’re doing and what areas of our lives could use some attention.

If there are certain areas we’re struggling with don’t hesitate to ask for help!

Reach out to local emergency services immediately if there are any safety concerns or trouble accessing basic resources. There are people available to help and you’re not alone.

Drink Water

It sounds simple but it’s SO helpful! Drinking water and eating healthy makes our bodies feel better. Sure, maybe we can still have treats sometimes (I’m a big fan of ice cream myself) it’s just about not going overboard.

It makes a difference!

Be Patient With Yourself

There’s a lot going on and we’re doing the best we can. Have grace for yourself. It’s okay to not be okay sometimes.

Set Boundaries

Boundaries are important. They protect us from burning out and they help us focus on what we’ve chosen as our priorities.

Right now a boundary I’m needing to set is limiting social media and my news consumption. It just isn’t healthy for me to be online and checking those things all the time.

I’ve also needed to turn away visitors and cancel all play dates due to social distancing guidelines and our commitment to keeping everyone safe.

Boundaries will look different for everyone. But the important bit is to realize it’s okay to say no.

Figure out what your priorities are and what you need for your mental health and then find out how to protect those things.

Get Moving

Movement is good for both body and soul!

Even if we can’t get outside, doing some simple stretches or yoga daily can be really beneficial. There are lots of free videos on Youtube! Have kids at home? My kiddos love Cosmic Kids Yoga.

Music is also good for the soul! Crank up your favorite tunes and enjoy.

Be Connected

It’s hard not being able to get together with people face to face. But that doesn’t mean we can’t be connected!

Video chat can be as simple as using facebook and hooking up a camera. Email is easy. It’s a great time for online gaming with friends! And letters are classic and really an excellent choice for us writers!

Find ways to be connected to your people, and maybe reach out to someone who may be isolated and needs a friendly hello.


Make something! Anything!

This isn’t about putting pressure on ourselves or adding more tasks that are overwhelming. Really, it doesn’t matter how much art we’re producing or if our writing is any good.

It doesn’t matter if it’s all rubbish.

Practicing creativity is good for us. And any art is worth celebrating.

Be Still

There is a lot going on right now. I’m homeschooling suddenly and our routines are all over the place. There is a lot of chaos and unknowns in the world!

In the midst of it all we still need to rest.

Our bodies need rest. We need to set boundaries (see above!) and make time to sleep.

And our minds need rest too. Maybe this means reading something cheerful. Maybe journaling or meditation. Psalm 23 is an excellent passage for meditating on, or you can find your own favorite.

For Further Reading on Mental Wellness

I’m currently reading the book Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy by Dr. David D. Burns. This is an affiliate link because the book is excellent and I’ve already bought several copies to give to friends. I highly recommend it.

Feeling Good is a well researched guide to cognitive therapy and has been shown to be extremely useful for individuals who experience anxiety and depression.

This isn’t meant to replace therapy or medication or your doctor’s advice. If you have mental health concerns especially regarding safety for yourself or someone you know, please don’t hesitate to contact someone for help.

This book can be used in conjuncture to therapy and/or medication or it can be helpful even on its own. It has been shown through research to benefit people who simply want to be proactive with their mental health as well as those who have been struggling with issues for years.

I’m still working my way through the first half of the book and already it’s given me lots to think about and work on!

What about you?

How are you doing today? What are your wellness activities? What makes you feel healthy and alive and joyous and brave?

I very much hope you are doing well! These are hard times these days. Please be taking care of yourselves <3

For more fun pictures and inspiration, feel free to scroll through these pictures collected over time by yours truly 🙂

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